

元橋一輝 (一橋大学)
"The Impact of Municipal Mergers on Pollution Control: Evidence of River Pollution in Japan" joint with Michiyoshi Toya
幹事: 小西祥文
言語: 英語
吉田雅裕 (早稲田大学)
“Climate Change and Outdoor Labor Markets: the Rise of Dropouts of Adult Males”
幹事: 笹原彰
言語: 英語
公文譲 (Norwegian School of Economics)
"Gender Divisions of Labor and Structural Transformation: Industrializing Japan"
幹事: 笹原彰
言語: 英語
吉元宇楽 (財務総合政策研究所)
"Invoice Currency Choice in Intra-firm Trade: Transaction-level Analysis of Japanese Automobile Exports" joint with Taiyo YOSHIMI, Kiyotaka SATO, Takatoshi ITO, Junko SHIMIZU, Yushi YOSHIDA
幹事: 清田耕造
言語: 英語
遠山祐太 (早稲田大学)
"Welfare Effects of Nonlinear Electricity Pricing with Misperception: A Case of Free Electricity Policy" joint with Ngawang Dendup
幹事: 小西祥文
言語: 英語
中止になりました Chris Mitchell
"On the Cash-FLow and Control Rights of Contingent Capital"
幹事: 白塚重典
言語: 英語
久保研介 (慶應義塾大学)
"The Welfare Effects of Government Intervention into the Licensing of Standard-Essential Patents An Analysis of the Chinese Smartphone and SoC Markets" joint with Mariko Watanabe
幹事: 遠藤正寛
言語: 英語
犬飼佳吾 (明治学院大学)
"Monetary Punishment Undermines Intrinsic Motivation for Cooperation: Crowding Out in Public Goods Game Experiment"
幹事: 大垣昌夫
言語: 英語
Corey White (Monash University )
"Disentangling Sources of Variation in C-Section Rates" joint with Stefanie Fischer, Shuhei Kaneko, and Heather Royer
幹事: 笹原彰
言語: 英語
Jevan Cherniwchan ( McMaster University)
"Free Trade and the Formation of Environmental Policy: Evidence from US Legislative Votes" joint with Nouri Najjar
幹事: 小西祥文
言語: 英語