

佐々木周作 (慶應義塾大学)
"Blood Types and Blood Donation Behaviors: Tests for Pure Altruism Theory"
幹事: 井深陽子
中川万理子 (東京大学)
"Skill transference and international migration: A theoretical analysis on skilled migration to the Anglosphere"
幹事: 河端瑞貴
重岡仁 (Simon Fraser University)
"Patient Cost-sharing and Health Care Utilization among Children"
幹事: 井深陽子
奥平寛子 (岡山大学)
"Minimum Wage Effects Across Heterogeneous Markets "
幹事: 清田耕造
言語: 英語
加藤隼人 (慶應義塾大学)
"Production Location of Multinational Firms under Transfer Pricing: The Impact of the Arm's Length Principle"co-authored with Hirofumi Okoshi (University of Munich)
幹事: 寺井公子
Hongwei Chuang (東北大学)
"The Impacts of Institutional Ownership on Stock Returns"
幹事: 直井道生
言語: 英語
Baighya El Filali (慶應義塾大学)
"Nonconverging Beliefs, Innovations, and Conflicts" co-authored with Alexander Mihailov (University of Reading) and Masao Ogaki (Keio Univerfsity)
幹事: 清田耕造
言語: 英語
中島大輔 (小樽商科大学)
“Limited Attention and Revealed Preference”
幹事: 清田耕造
大橋弘 (東京大学)
"Bargaining under Dynamic Regulation on Reimbursement" co-authored with Daiya Isogawa
幹事: 清田耕造
田中万理 (一橋大学)
“Exporting Sweatshops? Evidence from Myanmar”
幹事: 山田浩之
言語: 英語