

Nadya Baryshnikova (University of Adelaide)
”Does the Rice for Poor subsidy reduce child marriage?“
幹事: 大野由香子
言語: 英語
新田耕平 (東洋大学)
"Why does real-time information reduce energy consumption?"
joint with John Lynham, Tatsuyoshi Saijo and Nori Tarui
幹事: 河端瑞貴
Joseph Kaboski (University of Notre Dame)
“Skill-Biased Structural Change”
Joint with Francisco J. Buer, Richard Rogerson and Juan I. Vizcaino
Teresa Molina (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
"Pollution, Ability, and Gender-Specific Investment Responses to Shocks"
幹事: 井深陽子
言語: 英語
風神佐知子 (慶應義塾大学)
"Does teleworking improve labor productivity?"
幹事: 中嶋亮
言語: 日本語
林良平 (東海大学)
幹事: 大垣昌夫
言語: 日本語
依田高典 (京都大学)
"Information Frictions, Inertia, and Selection on Elasticity: A Field Experiment on Electricity Tari Choice " (joint with Koichiro Ito (University of Chicago) and Makoto Tanaka (GRIPS))
幹事: 大垣昌夫
大野由香子 (慶應義塾大学)
"Supplier Switching and Outsourcing: Credit Union IT Systems"
幹事: 大垣昌夫
Andrew Wait (University of Sydney)
"Worker (dis)trust in management and the delegation of real authority" (joint with Kieron J. Meaghery)
応用経済学ワークショップ ・ ミクロ経済学ワークショップ で共催

幹事: 寺井公子
言語: 英語
中村 良太 (一橋大学)
"Do Economic Incentives Promote Physical Activity?"
幹事: 井深陽子