

津曲正俊 (慶應義塾大学)
"Product Quality, Institutional Quality and Market Globalization"
言語: 英語
坂本陽子 (University of Wisconsin–Madison)
"Product Life-Cycle and Geography of Innovation"
幹事: 津曲正俊
山本裕一 (University of Pennsylvania)
"We can cooperate even when the payoffs and the monitoring structure will never be known"
幹事: 津曲正俊
平井俊行 (富山大学)
"Existence of a Stable Outcome Under Observable Substitutability Across Doctors
in Many-to-Many Matching with Contracts" (joint with Keisuke Bando)
幹事: 玉田康成
言語: 日本語
市橋翔太 (Stanford University)
"Online Privacy and Information Disclosure by Consumers "
幹事: 藤原グレーヴァ香子
伊藤秀史 (早稲田大学)
"Relational Incentive Contracts with Hidden Action and Unequal Discounting " (joint with Eric S. Chou and Chien-Lung Chen)
幹事: 藤原グレーヴァ香子
Andrew Wait (University of Sydney)
"Worker (dis)trust in management and the delegation of real authority" (joint with Kieron J. Meaghery)
応用経済学ワークショップ ・ ミクロ経済学ワークショップ で共催

幹事: 寺井公子
言語: 英語
Alex Horenstein (University of Miami)
"Tree construction and backward induction: a mobile experiment"
(joint with Konrad Grabiszewskiy)
幹事: 藤原グレーヴァ香子
言語: 英語
Alexander Nesterov (Higher School of Economics, St.Petersburg)
"Random Paths To Popularity In Two-Sided Matching" joint with Aleksei Yu. Kondratev
幹事: 栗野盛光
言語: 英語
尾山大輔 (東京大学)
"Generalized Belief Operator and the Impact of Small Probability Events
on Higher Order Beliefs" (joint with Satoru Takahashi)
幹事: 藤原グレーヴァ香子