


List of Discussion Papers

2023/4/26 (revised edition:2023/8/21)
Sanction Enforcement among Third Parties: New Experimental Evidence from Two Societies
No: DP2023-010
Author: Kenju Kamei, Smriti Sharma, Matthew J. Walker
Language: English
Education-Oriented and Care-Oriented Preschools: Implications on Child Development
No: DP2023-009
Author: Hideo Akabayashi, TIm Ruberg, Chizuru Shikishima, Jun Yamashita
Language: English
2023/3/15 (revised edition:2024/4/11)
School ICT resources, teachers, and online education: Evidence from school closures in Japan during the COVID-19 pandemic
No: DP2023-008
Author: Hideo Akabayashi, Shimpei Taguchi, Mirka Zvedelikova
Language: English
Are academic achievement and preferences in Math and Japanese associated with Prosociality?
No: DP2023-006
Author: Endo Naoki
Language: Japanese
The impact of contracting formal care benefits on caregivers’ well-being: evidence from Japan
No: DP2023-005
Author: Rong Fu, Dung Le, Yoko Ibuka
Language: English
Economics of the Community Mechanism
No: DP2023-004
Author: Masao Ogaki
Language: Japanese
Identifying Socioeconomic Determinants of Child Maltreatment in the United States
No: DP2023-003
Author: Leona Maruyama
Language: English
Immigration, imports, and (im)mutable Japanese labor markets
No: DP2023-002
Author: Akira Sasahara, Yumin Sui, Emily Taguchi
Language: English
Toward a More Accurate Measurement of the Consumer Price Index: Reexamination of Longstanding Unresolved Issues
No: DP2023-001
Author: Shigenori SHIRATSUKA
Language: Japanese