
Workshops This Week

No workshops this week.
For the coming workshops,
please see the pages of each workshops.

About Workshops

The Institute for Economic Studies (IES) holds five research workshops.

Microeconomics Workshop

This workshop provides researchers in wide areas of Microeconomics and related fields with opportunities to present papers and exchanging research ideas. The topics include microeconomics theory, mathematical economics, game theory, contract theory, social choice theory, and their applications.This workshop is held on the last Monday (of the normal class days) of each month.

Macroeconomics Workshop

This workshop provides researchers in wide areas of Macroeconomics and related fields with opportunities to present papers and exchanging research ideas. The topics include both theoretical and applied research in economic growth, business cycles, monetary policy, and empirical studies of macroeconomics.

Econometrics Workshop

This workshop provides researchers in wide areas of Econometrics and related fields with opportunities to present papers and exchanging research ideas. The topics include both theoretical and empirical research in Econometrics, Financial Econometrics, Mathematical Finance, Macroeconometrics, Microeconometrics, Marketing, Mathematical Statistics, Computational Statistics.

Applied Economics Workshop

This workshop provides researchers and graduate students in wide areas of applied economics with opportunities to present papers and exchanging research ideas. We allow any research methods for economic theory, empirical studies, and experiments, to enhance understanding of common methodologies in different subfields of economic research. The topics include labor, environment, urban, health, education, development, family, public policy, industrial organization, political economy, and behavioral economics.

Special Workshops

Special Workshop Series invite leading economists whose research activities cannot be confined into a small piece of research area and aim at higher-graded workshops. It is open to all who wish to make any contribution to the development of economics science.

The Keio‐IES workshops are supported by the Canon Institute for Global Studies