Doctors’ Way of Working: Long Hours, Training, Secondary Jobs, and Desire to Work

Author: Atsuhiro Yamada、Nobuyuki Izumida
Date: 2018/11/15
No: DP2018-017
JEL Classification codes: J44, J63, J81
Language: Japanese
[ Abstract / Highlights ]

This paper utilizes a large, nationally representative micro data-set, the “Employment Status Survey (2007, 2012),” which is administered by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications every five years, to investigate whether doctors’ way of working is different from that of other kinds of occupations to give an insight for on-going debate on regulating labor standard of doctors. In particular, we compare doctors employed under regular status working more than 200 days per year with specialized and technical professions or nurses under the same employment conditions. Based on cross tabulations, we find that compared with the specialized and technical professions, the doctors have longer working hours, receive employer-provided training, and have secondary jobs at a very high rate. Moreover, based on logit model analysis, we find that despite working long hours the doctors’ desire to terminate or change their position does not increase, contrary to the specialized and technical professions or nurses. However, similar to other professions, doctors also have a distinct desire to reduce their working hours, even when receiving employee-provided training and career development.