Seminar by Prof.Randy Olsen (2018/10/11)
Speaker:Randy Olsen
Title:Depressivity over the Life Course
Title:Who Starts Ahead and Who Moves Ahead? Achievement, Social Adjustment and their Production in Children
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Open Research Lab,4F, East Building, Mita Campus, Keio University
Host: Panel Data Research Center(PDRC), Keio University
Co-Host: Center for Research on Equality of Opportunity for Children(CREOC), Keio University
Co-Host: Institute for Economic Studies(IES), Keio University
Host: Panel Data Research Center(PDRC), Keio University
Co-Host: Center for Research on Equality of Opportunity for Children(CREOC), Keio University
Co-Host: Institute for Economic Studies(IES), Keio University
Event Reports

Professor Randy Olsen

Chair: Professor Masao Ogaki
On the 11th of October, 2018, Prof. Randy Olsen conducted two seminars. Prof. Olsen was the Director of the Center for Human Research at Department of Economics, the Ohio State University.

In the first seminar, Prof. Olsen used Item Response Theory (IRT) to determine 1) whether the items in the Center for Epidemilogic Studies Depression scale (CES-D) perform in a comparable manner over the life course, 2) the degree to which depressivity is stable, and 3) whether the variation in the estimated measures of depression can be explained based upon IRT. CES-D is a commonly used measure to detect depression in the USA.

In the second seminar, the title was “Who Starts Ahead and Who Moves Ahead? Achievement, Social Adjustment and their Production in Children”. Prof. Olsen used data of the Children of the NLSY79 to examine the process that sorts children by their cognition and behavioural problems.