Mini-Conference on Issues in the Intergenerational Mobility and Inequality(2019/3/6)
Time:11:40-17:30(Resistration opend11:10)
Target: Graduated students and ResearcherRegistration required
For more details, please click the information
G-Lab, 6F, East Building, Mita Campus, Keio University
Language: English
Host:Center for Research on Equality of Opportunity for Children (CREOC)
Co-Host:The Institute for Economic Studies, Faculty of Economics, Keio University (IES) ,Keio Panel Data Research Center (PDRC)
Host:Center for Research on Equality of Opportunity for Children (CREOC)
Co-Host:The Institute for Economic Studies, Faculty of Economics, Keio University (IES) ,Keio Panel Data Research Center (PDRC)
Event Reports

Professor Miles Corak
At the mini-conference, Professor Corak continued to present his research about the intergenerational mobility between and within Canada and the United States, as well as suggestions for the future direction.

Professor Hideo Akabayashi

The other presenters include Hideo Akabayashi, Director of the Center for Research on Equality of Opportunity for Children at Keio University, Norito Shikata of Kwansei Gakuin University, Risa Hagiwara of Meikai University, Fang He of JILPT, Zhi-xiao Jia of Tohoku University. They all presented a variety of topics related to the intergenerational mobility, and the active discussions took place among the presenters and more than 30 participants.