(Japanese) 「ユーラシアにおける「生態経済」の史的展開と発展戦略」 まとめのシンポジウム~歴史と現在をつなぐ~(2019/3/4)
第1セッション 報告:Yee Keong Choy氏 討論:太田 淳氏
第2セッション 報告:津谷 典子氏 討論:斎藤 修氏
「初婚行動のパターンと決定要因 ―近世日本と現代日本の比較―」
第3セッション 報告:神田 さやこ氏 討論:堀井 伸浩氏
「近現代アジアにおけるエネルギー多様性社会 ―生存と成長のはざまで―」
第4セッション 報告:松沢 裕作氏 討論:細田 衛士氏
総合討論 斎藤 修氏 杉原 薫氏
Distance Learning, South Building Basement4, Mita Campus, Keio University
Sponsored by MEXT-Supported Program for the Strategic Research Foundation at Private Universities,Quest for Ecological and Sustainable Economies in Eurasia: Historical Paths and Future Strategies (ESEE)
Supported by the Institute for Economic Studies at Keio University (IES)
Supported by the Institute for Economic Studies at Keio University (IES)
Event Reports

scene of the hall

Chair: Professor Takashi Iida
The five-year project of “Quest for Ecological and Sustainable Economies in Eurasia: Historical Paths and Future Strategies (ESEE)“ , was concluded by the symposium held on 4 March 2019.

Professor Noriko Tsuya, IES Vice Director

The symposium focused on a dialogue between the past and the present.

Professor Eiji Hosoda, IES Director
The discussion at the symposium with guest scholars was fruitful in order to evaluate the results of our research and drive our project forward.