Impacts of improved rural roads on the well-being of Cambodian villagers

Author: TIEN MANH VU, Hiroyuki Yamada
Date: 2024/6/18
No: DP2024-016
JEL Classification codes: O15, R11, R58, R42
Language: English
[ Abstract / Highlights ]

We examine impacts of improved rural roads on villagers, using panel data of Cambodian villages (2006-2021). We find an association between the wealth of villagers and the improvement of rural roads. A higher minimum price for rice at farm gate may be one of the reasons for the increase in wealth. We also find impacts of improved rural roads on (reducing) illiteracy rates among villagers. However, we do not find any statistically significant impacts on school enrollment rate, structural change, or internal migration. Instead, improved rural roads lead to a higher share of families being subjected to environmental pollution.